Thursday, October 13, 2011

Updated DE 1250 list


3x Blasterborn
 3x Blasterborn
Venom, SC

5x Warriors, blaster
Venom, SC
5x Warriors, blaster
Venom, SC
5x Wracks, LG
Raider, FF, SP

3x Beastmasters
4x Khymera, 4x Razerwing Flocks
3x Beastmasters
4x Khymera, 4x Razerwing Flocks


So at the cost of 2 lances I've dramaticaly increased my Anti infantry. It has proved to me that the beasts were actually a decent AT back up for those pesky transports, with the increase of venom fire power I pretty much insure the wipe out of heavy squads like long fangs or hive guard on the first turn, making me think that this is a much more efficient list.

Haemonculus & Wracks

Double Liquifing goodness

This one fancied himself a Sslyth's body

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

blaster warriors in raiders over venoms?

First of all I want to make it clear that I am not disapproving the venom + warriors combo. Duality is always a good thing but what has come to my attention is that venoms require a mass amount of them too be efficient which is not hard at all, but at low point games (1500 and under) they become less reliable at taking out squads.

And what I tend to do with venoms is let them get the benefit of their 36 inch range and sit in my backfield in pairs and just blast infantry, when you need the blaster up close to work. This is where i decided to switch to raiders, the extra lance proves to be valuable instead of relying on the one-shot blasters in the venoms and since you'll be moving into midfield with them, you have the option of shock prows available to tank-shock annoying infantry off objectives or into the open, giving you more board control. although I don't have them in my list, I have the beast squads in charge of that.

Another thing to mention is that losing venoms will put a dent in your anti-infantry but you can easily make up for that in assault units or razorwings.   

Friday, August 12, 2011

The models so far.

Well theres not much done other than a warrior unit for my army list but I have got some Incubi done since they came out, mostly cause of their look. The colour scheme i've decided on is the simple Obsidian Rose scheme, i wanted red since my eldar are blue, and im quite satisfied with the way they turned out:

Also here's a converted venom i haven't finished cause the official models came out a short while later  :P

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Dark Eldar Army List!

This is the army list that I will be working towards building to start my force, as the last tournament held in Dubai this army list will be at 1250 points. An awckward point level yes, but it's something we've learned to deal with, although most casual play is held at 1500. But I personally think that at this point level Dark Eldar have quite an advantage being able to throw down heavy firepower while still maintaining a balanced list.

Haemonculus w/Liquifier - 60

3x Trueborn w/blasters - 146
venom, splinter cannon

3x Trueborn w/blasters - 146
venom, splinter cannon

5x Warriors w/blaster - 130
Raider, Flickerfield

5x Warriors w/blaster - 130
Raider, Flickerfield

5x Wracks - 120
Raider, Flickerfield

3x Beastmasters - 144
4x khymera 4x razorwing flocks

3x Beastmasters - 144
4x khymera 4x razorwing flocks

Ravager w/ Flickerfield - 115

Ravager w/ Flickerfield - 115

Total: 1250

Haemonculus gives out paintokens to beast squads through the pain token tango and goes to support wracks with liquifier. Beasts bubblewrap the ships while putting pressure on midfield. Only worry is having only three scrawny troop squads and only two vwnoms for ranged anti-infantry, should I switch out a raider for another venom? Only playtesting shall tell!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Welcome to Space Elves, a blog dedicates to the pointy eared ones of the warhammer 40k universe. My name is Ahmed, I hail from Dubai where the wargaming community is small but blooming with more players each week. So far there has been three notable tournaments with the last one holding around 70 players and the second one was won by yours truly :). I'm looking forward to getting to know all the different Internet personalities from around the globe. For now I'm mainly focusing on building a strong Dark Eldar force and I'm hoping that this blog and the readers will keep me motivated :)